Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A bad day golfing beats work anytime

“In order that in the coming ages He might show the incomparable riches of His grace, expressed in His kindness to us in Christ Jesus.” Eph 2:7

What will Heaven be like? I can’t even begin to imagine. What does the word “incomparable” mean? A quick synonym study generates words like; unrivalled, unsurpassed, unparalleled, unmatched, without equal and unique. Unfathomable is a pretty good one for me. Played golf with some friends yesterday. Although I’m not particularly proud of my score from that endeavor, it was a totally amazing experience to walk in the middle of nature with 3 of my best friends. Laughing, joking with each other…walking on new-mown grass, not a cloud in the sky, perfect temperature and almost no-one else on the course to stress our round. It was a perfect day. Just what I needed to relieve the pressures of business and life in general.

And yet, compared to Heaven… well, you get the point. “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him.” I Cor. 2:9

That day is coming. Be strong as you wait for the Hope that calls us closer with every step.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Drop and give me 20....marshmallows!!!

This wandering through life is not easy, nor should it be if we truly understand why we are here. With all its rewards, hardships, victories and seeming failures…the time we spend here on earth is a preparation, a training camp for something far greater than we can even begin to imagine. Like many other guys, I played football all through high school. It was fun, tough, painful, uncomfortable and at times…miserable in the Texas “oh, let’s see if we can fry an egg on the sidewalk” heat of late summer. But every Friday night…wow.

Imagine if when we came to practice one afternoon and there in the stadium waiting for us, were easy chairs, cokes, candy and other “cozy” stuff to get comfy with. Somehow, I don’t think that would prepare me very well for Friday night’s game. What would the cheers of the crowd be worth if I never had to work for the reward?

Life has a tendency to force things into perspective. It’s not a game, it’s serious business and requires a serious and focused approach. Just as in sports, business and any other thing we pursue (including my family life) …my ability to focus on the task at hand and bring it under submission through practice and diligence has a direct impact on the outcome. I think we all see that as a no-brainer. But what about my relationship with God? How serious am I about being successful in that? I mean, all the other “rewards” of life will fade away…so why am I not more serious about the practice I put in towards developing the one relationship that really means something “forever”? If I’m serious about becoming all that He designed me to be…then I need to realize that it doesn’t just happen. All of a sudden, the concept "Lordship of Christ" takes on new meaning. It requires me actively saying “yes” to the things He brings into my life to shape me. It means relinquishing my control and actively looking forward to the tasks He sets before me. Knowing how much He loves me and wants to grow me so that I will be ready to do the work of my King. So that I will know the joy of hearing, “Well done, good and faithful.”

Perspective...its all about perspective.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

We are not alone

The God whom I believe in and trust in is more than capable to perform that which He has designed for me.

My God loves me. Wow, what a thought. Kinda mind-blowing (forgive me, I loved the 70s). That I, so infinitely small in the grand scheme of an infinite universe would be the object of His attention and love. At times, one wonders about the vastness of space and the questions raised by curious thinkers about the existence of other beings, creatures, inhabited planets, intelligence other than the human race on the 3rd rock from the sun. How could we possibly believe that we are alone?

Personally, I believe we’re not alone. Our Creator God is here. After living here for over half a century, I’ve seen stuff. Been through stuff. Had stuff happen to me. And in all this I have never been abandoned by Him. I have found Him faithful, consistent, loving.

I have seen glimpses of His omnipotence, omniscience and felt His presence in the darkest of days. A hand to hold me, arms to comfort me, words to soothe me and hope to lift me.

Think about it. Would not the ultimate expression of Great Love be; that after creating such a fantastic and vast universe with all its planets, stars and things we haven’t even imagined yet, and then creating such diversity of life on this planet down to the most minute detail, that He would create a creature that He could reveal His love to. That this God created only one planet with life on it, mirrors the incredible love He has demonstrated in His Son’s atoning death for us. We are the focus of His attention. Just as an artist uses a sea of black to contrast a single white dot, so does God draw attention to His love for us. And when He says “Do not be afraid,” and “I love you.” There’s something there to back it up. He’s proved it throughout creation and throughout history…and He’s ready to prove it today. Right now.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Does God care about you?

Does God care?

Why does God allow us to go through such hardship in life? Is it because He is dealing with my deepest character issues? Is it because He is conforming me to Christ’s image? Is it because He is making me into more than I would desire for myself? Yes.

I have the tendency to take the path of least resistance. Like water, I want to flow to the lowest point. The problem is, that God has much bigger plans for me than I have for myself. And like any good father, because He loves me He won’t let me settle for less.

Sometimes the only way I can see areas in my life that need to be changed is through a period of contrast. I tend to get comfortable with my life and the way I am, forgetting that God is always working to make me more like Himself. But the Lord has ways of helping me see things from His perspective, helping me prioritize according to His agenda. At times it’s a gentle reminder of His love and care as I enjoy His tangible blessings. At times it’s the crucible of the refiner’s fire, exposing the flaws in my life along with the loving presence of the Master’s hand guiding, supporting and healing.

Does God care? Without a doubt.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Things are looking up

This morning as I took the trash cans down to the street, I looked up to into a sky filled with “buttermilk” clouds. Small patches of blue shown through here and there and the sun was half-covered with its rays streaming down. The bay in front of our house lay smooth and reflective with almost no wind. I thought, “how great is God”. It’s really hard for me not to see Him in such a setting. I am overwhelmed by His majesty, power and hugeness. That He would have time or interest in me is unfathomable. Yet He does. That the Maker of all, universe upon universe, world upon world would concern Himself with my little world with its joys and pains is unimaginable. Infinitesimal. Yet I can feel the intensity of His focus upon me. He has written my name on the palm of His hand and He is staring at me right now. He actually draws pleasure from my presence? ! .

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Tunnel vision

Today I am a bit depressed. I keep hoping that God will answer my prayers. I ask Him many times a day to give me a sign, come to my rescue do something that will give me hope to get through this long, dark tunnel that seems to be closing in on me. Nothing. Not even a call.

I know He is there and that He loves me. That’s not really a question with me. I told Him that I was His and would follow Him regardless of the outcome. Ouch. That’s the tough part. I don’t think I’m ready to face what He’s got in mind. Or maybe I’m really scared that what He has in mind is not really what I have in mind. Lipservice is easy. But now, I just might have to pay up with the actual deed.

It seems that the more attached you get to things, the harder it is to let go. I think this applies not just to physical things like houses and cars, but also to lifestyles, relationships and attitudes as well. The more I invest in something, the harder it is to let it go.

So, how do get my mind in the right place to understand this? Common sense tells me that it has to do with my perspective and how Concrete I see my relationship with God. It’s easy for me to live out my relationship with my wife and kids and how that affects decisions during my day….but it takes this thing called Faith to “realize” the concept of an invisible, all powerful and loving being that will somehow make everything in my life right. And even that “right” is according to how He sees “right”.

Love is like that. You really don’t know just what you’re getting into when you say “I do” but you know she loves you and somehow the two of you will make everything that life throws at you work. It’s a decision and not just a feeling. So I decide that I will follow Him. Because I know in my heart of hearts that I just can’t live without His love in my life. I don’t want to. And I know that just because He doesn’t pick up the phone or answer the way I want Him to…that doesn’t mean He’s not there or doesn’t love me. But maybe it’s part of the trust thing and growth thing and the maturity process He’s taking me through on becoming the “image of Christ” in Roman 8:29. Kind of a love-hate thing. I love the idea of becoming…but hate the process. Okay, now I feel better…I think.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Never too bad or too late

There are times in my life when I think I'm pretty unlovable. I've distanced myself from everything I hold true or know to be right. I feel like a total idiot, failure....looser with a capital "L" branded into my forehead. If I knew where to turn in my resignation to the Human Race...I would. We all feel like that from time to time. Unworthy, unacceptable ...just "un". And rightly so. But here's something to think about. Ezekiel 16 shares an allegory about Jerusalem as a young girl. (read You and Me) I came into this world with literally nothing. Was given everything. Didn't appreciate what I had and threw it all away. Guilty, convicted of my deeds I stand without defense. Yet Mercy is shown by the very One I have offended. The kind of mercy that puts my whole life in perspective. The kind that makes me humbly aware of my poverty and His benevolence. The kind of mercy that makes me speechless in awe of the kind of love that would reach out to me in my weakness and treachery.

So now I want to be different. Better. And better appreciate a second, third, fourth, ......chance to do right.
Here's the deal. God knows exactly who I am and where I have come from. He sees all my faults and loves me anyway. I fall - sin and try to leave Him. Even use the very gifts He has given me to glorify myself and gain the things He despises. Yet He still loves me and offers forgiveness. He is Sovereign, Loving, Merciful...Amazing. And I dare not trivialize His Grace and Mercy nor the gifts entrusted me.

One last thing. I really like Romans 8 where it says "what can separate me from the love of God?" In short, nothing. He's always ready to listen and forgive. You probably heard this story: An elderly couple pulled up to a stoplight. A red convertible with a young couple pulled up next to them. The old woman looked over at the young pair. The girl was practically sitting in the lap of the guy driving. From her side of the bench seat, the woman looked at her husband and asked, "why aren't we like that anymore?" to which he simply answered, "I ain't moved."

Monday, August 31, 2009

Background to use it or lose it

As a singer, I was always looking at those who using their voices for God. Wanting to be that person. Thinking, "God if only you let me....I would really glorify you!" But it doesn't work that way. And you really can't force you way into a position of ministry or service....cause then you're just serving your own ego or wants. Unless God calls you to a position, you will never be truly happy there. There will always be this "emptiness". Here's the deal, find your happiness in just being with Him. We tend to run around looking for fulfillment in everything that can be taken away from us. When we realize in the midst of life's storms that God is all we have left after we've lost all...then we begin to realize that He is all we really need. For me, this is the start of a more complete life.
Some verses to consider, Psalms 37:4,5

Use it or lose it?

As servants of Christ, we are equipped with certain gifts by the Holy Spirit. In addition to that we all have a set of natural talents we are born with. It is the combination of these two sets, along with perseverance and practice, that our “skill set” is formed. It is a very natural feeling to find ourselves frustrated as we idly sit on the sidelines while longing to be used by God in the areas we know we are equipped to work in.

Part of the training we receive during this life is that of waiting upon the Lord. Our reliance upon Him is directly connected to our faith in Him to accomplish that which He has planned for us. Concerning gifts and talents, we have to realize that we are part of His plan and not vice versa. To find our joy in His presence, being available to Him, dependent upon Him for everything…that is our real calling. Then when He wants to use us, we go.

The Master has a toolbox and I am one of the instruments at His disposal. I cannot tell Him when to use me, that is His preference. What I can do is to make sure I am sharp and free of rust, ready to be used at His call and when His hand is upon me. Any effort to do the job myself is pure folly and only leads to heartache and disappointment.